Ultrasonic Tips

Ultrasonic Tips for EMS and Satelec compatible scalers

We’re proud to be able to offer a huge selection of ultrasonic tips for any case you may encounter. Our objective is to have satelec and EMS fitting tips for all specialists’ needs and we’re on track to get as many variations as possible so you can save teeth in the best way you can for your patients.

Our selection includes pre-made tip kits that have been curated and carefully selected to ensure you get the most out of them. From endodontic access to irrigation and restorative use cases we know that you’ll find just the tips you need.

Endo Access (Satelec)

This set includes five specialist tips to make it easier to access cavities for your endodontic procedure. ED3D, ED6, ED12D, ED15, ED18 are all included in this kit.

Here’s a brief video outlining the specifics about this kit. 



Restorative (Satelec)

This set includes six specialist tips to improve access to difficult to reach areas and avoid contact with adjacent teeth. ED3D, GD20, GD21, GD31, GD32, GD33 are all included in this kit. We’d also recommend that when you purchase this kit that you also order ED12D. This tip has a diamond ball tip for difficult to reach areas for root caries and sub-gingival areas.

Here’s a brief video about the ED12D diamond ball ultrasonic tip.



Irrigation (Satelec)

This set includes five specialised tips that aim to aid in the process of scaling and root planning. This kit contains ED6, ED70, ED93, ED96, ED98.

Here's a brief video outlining more specifics about the irrigation tip kit.



If you’d like to purchase any of the tips covered here and explore our whole range of ultrasonic tips here is the page to do so.



Shalini and Maneshs visit have got me on to getting as many Onefil sealer cases back in for review as I can.

If anyone can share review cases with me too comment below and that would be really appreciated. I’ll try to build a library of cases that we can share and publish some data.

I rarely get cbct reviews of cases but this was a fortuitous case today as referred for another assessment.

Nice osseous healing.

One Fil

Bills case here is a lovely example of the biocompatibility of the material and ability of the body to heal and to form bone around and with the material. It doesn’t resorb like some other sealers, it’s sets hard and has a nice flow.

One Fil

Nice case from David

One Fil

Another beautiful case from the superbly talented Mitra. 6 months and excellent healing with onefil

One Fil

Previously accessed teeth resulted in significant loss of coronal dentine.
Excellent healing with Onefil. The sealer doesn’t resorb like some sealers and small excess while not aimed for shouldn’t affect healing as material is so biocompatible. Time for cores to be done asap!!

One Fil

Lovely Result from Anand

One Fil

Lesion on palatal root with small extrusion

One Fil